Your success start at AAC!
BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
This entry-level qualification is not only nationally accredited but is a fun mix of foundational skills. If you’re considering a job in business services or administration, this is for you. As you progress, you will carry out a range of procedural, clerical, administrative and operational tasks that require self-management and basic technology. This is a great place to start if you’re preparing to begin your working life.
Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:
BSBCMM211 | Apply communication skills (Core) |
BSBOPS201 | Work effectively in business environments (Core) |
BSBPEF202 | Plan and apply time management (Core) |
BSBSUS211 | Participate in sustainable work practices (Core) |
BSBWHS211 | Contribute to the health and safety of self and others (Core) |
BSBOPS101 | Use business resources (Elective) |
BSBTEC201 | Use business software applications (Elective) |
BSBOPS203 | Deliver a service to customers (Elective) |
BSBPEF101 | Plan and prepare for work readiness (Elective) |
BSBTWK201 | Create electronic presentations (Elective) |
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